Senior School Curriculum
Year 10
In Year 10, students are required to study six subjects with Mathematics, Science and English being compulsory. Opportunities exist for students to choose elective studies that prepare them for entry into senior phase subjects and also make links with future career pathways.
Year 10 is viewed as crucial bridge into years 11 and 12 and is a time when students are exposed to the rigour and independent learning approaches expected in Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority year 11 and 12 subjects.
Developing a Student Education and Training Plan and completing vocational education courses are an integral component of year 10 and a vital link to years 11 and 12. Students participate in a Certificate II in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways during year 10 to start them on the pathway to obtaining their Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE).
Year 11 and 12
Beerwah State High School offers a great variety of subjects in years 11 and 12. The curriculum allows students to pursue multiple pathways including a rigorous academic program, a contemporary arts program, a skills based vocational program or a combination of these.
Senior students at Beerwah State High School study five subjects. General English or Essential English is compulsory and all students must also study at least one mathematics subject. All other subjects are offered for students to select via subject lines and should relate to interest areas and future career pathways.
All students must enrol in a program of study that enables them the opportunity to meet their QCE requirements.
Senior students have a range of flexible learning options, these include:
- Brisbane School of Distance Education
- Sunshine Coast Technical Trade Training Centre (SCTTTC)
- TAFE course
- School based traineeship or work placement
The school timetable allows senior students flexible arrangements, these include:
- If senior students access any of the above flexible learning options they may be given a flex in their timetable. During this flex students are expected to attend a supervised study session.
- Year 11 & 12 students have a flexible learning day on Friday. Students are not required to attend school on this day, unless prearranged by the school (this is subject to change each year).
View a description of each subject, assessment requirements and career pathways in our Senior Curriculum Handbook
Variation to Assessment Application
Students requesting a change to any conditions regarding a piece of assessment
including: due date extension, amended assessment task or conditions or an exemption, are to complete a Variation to Assessment Application.pdf