My name is Lyn Thomas and I'm the proud Principal of a wonderful learning community at Beerwah State High School.
Beerwah State High School is a school of approximately 900 students located in the township of Beerwah. It was established in 1992.
We are committed to providing quality public education and have high personal expectations. Our focus has been to reflect what is best in our community and to inspire in students a positive self-concept as well as a pride and a belief in their school. It is our goal for 100% of our graduating students to achieve their Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) or Queensland Certificate of Individual Achievement (QCIA) to enable them to successfully transition to further education, training, or employment.
The school culture is underpinned by our Vision and our Values.
Vision Statement: Together we learn, individually we grow, Success for all
Values: Respect, Responsibility, Safety
All members of our school are guided by the vision and values and ensure that the needs of our students are our driving force. It also forms the foundation for all of our frameworks, policies and procedures. Students are explicitly taught what the values are and why these values are so important. Students are also taught how to show these values through their actions.
Our improvement plan and strategic objectives are linked to our vision statement. We are focussed on developing our school leadership, promoting our parent and community engagement, enhancing our positive school culture, prioritising student engagement and wellbeing, aligning our curriculum and effective teaching and learning.
The school has many interesting extra-curricular activities in the areas of Arts, Technologies, Physical Education, including excellence programs in the fields of dance and athletics.
Beerwah State High School uses a year level and house structure as the focus for student welfare, developing positive student-teacher relationships, managing student behaviour and ensuring the maintenance and development of a supportive school-learning environment. We are a Positive Behaviour for learning school where students are acknowledged in a variety of ways when they meet or exceed the expectations. Our Gold card reward system allows students to receive many benefits of their choosing. We work closely with our Glasshouse Coalition partner schools to ensure a seamless transition from Primary to Secondary school.
The school has a focus on both staff and student wellbeing with a range of programs and staff that oversee a range of programs. A Student Services Program, led by the Student Services Head of Department, provides specialised support for students at risk or who may need a bit of extra support for issues which may be happening inside or outside of school.
A high functioning Education Services Department, led by our Head of Special Education, assisted by suitably qualified and experienced teachers and teachers' aides, supports those students with a range of disabilities. Beerwah SHS is an inclusive school where every student is given every opportunity to succeed.
The single biggest factor for success is what happens in the classroom. The interaction between teacher and student is critical.
Our students are all capable of achieving whatever their dreams are and it is our privilege to support them to reach these goals.
I am always keen to meet and greet with parents, carers, community members, local business and community organisations. Feel free to make contact at any time with the school or through my email at principal@beerwahshs.eq.edu.au if you would like to visit the school, work with our staff or students or if you would like to discuss how we can work together to support our students. I encourage you all to get involved and have your say in continuing to develop the strong positive culture of improvement and high expectation for ourselves and our school. I sincerely thank our community for the support they give to our school and to our students.
I look forward to meeting with you and working together to ensure success for all at Beerwah State High School.
Lyn Thomas
B. Bus, M. of Ed. Research
Principal – Beerwah SHS